Statement of Bummer Fund Goals and Conditions – 2009
PURPOSE: The Bummer Fund provides financial support to qualified and responsible pet owners in times of temporary medical crisis or emergency for a pet. The principles that apply to Fund expenditures are:
1. The Fund assists those who have a record of providing a good home for a pet but whose current incomes do not permit some necessary medical care for an existing pet. The Fund gives priority to seniors on fixed incomes, children whose illness drains the finances of their families and for whom loss of an existing pet would be harmful, and other persons the trustees shall deem appropriate. For this reason, the Fund supports only those who have an established relationship with the referring veterinarian. That relationship should demonstrate appropriate care for the pet over time (e.g. shots, neutering, care for other health problems).
2. The Fund will not encourage the acquisition of new pets, nor will it cover pet care expenses associated with the pet owner’s failure to comply with usual pet care responsibilities (e.g. failure to keep pet contained in a safe space, keeping current on shots, heart worm prevention, etc.).
3. The Fund will not pay for taking exceptional measures to extend a pet’s life at the expense of the pet’s quality of life.
4. The fund does not support care when it is apparent that the individual cannot afford ordinary pet care in the future. As a result, the fund does not usually pay for the initial diagnosis visit. That visit is generally required for a complete application.
5. The Fund shall supplement, but not totally supplant, the pet owner’s financial contributions to the medical care of the pet.
6. The Fund will only support requests from applicants or referring veterinarians located in the Youngstown, OH Region (Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull Counties) .
7. Ordinarily, the Fund does not support a request unless the animal has been spayed or neutered.
8. Ordinarily, support will not be provided if treatment has already been rendered.
9. Our funding level does not permit us to support requests for chronic or ongoing illnesses, such as diabetes.
10. Ordinarily, the Fund will not support requests made by former grant recipients
The above statement shall be understood as guidelines for the Trustees to follow, but in all cases the decision of a voting majority of the Board shall be all that is required to disperse funds.
The Bummer Fund is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. (ID#34-1757482)